Thursday, March 4, 2010

You Think I Would Learn

OK, so as I talked about in my last post about always being prepared. Making sure you carry your camera everywhere. You never know when you'll find a descent shot. You think I would have learned something, but turns out I have a long way to go. So What brought me to this ramble and somewhat didactic speech you might wonder? Well I'll begin from the beginning.

I woke up this morning to a beautiful day. The sun was shining, and I would have sworn I heard birds chirping. It was a warm pleasant day. No need for a coat right? So I head up to campus a little before noon with light jacket (and when I say light I mean like structured suit jacket). By 4:15 when I exited my class for the day, it was a freaking blizzard. The wind was blowing and snowflakes the size of pennies where sheeting down. I could barely see what was in front of me. Snowflakes encompassed every square inch of me, from my pants up my shirt to my eyelashes. Anyways, there was no way I was going to walk home in this without so much as hood, so I decided to wait it out. Two hours later I headed back home.

Now this is where the regret begins. The atmosphere was absolutely beautiful. I can't even describe it. The sky was gray, except where the sun was setting. The clouds had parted, and the sun was setting through them. The sky over there was gold and pink. It reflected off of the white frost trees, giving them a soft yellow and pink glow. It was picture perfect, and did I have my camera? No... I was kicking myself the entire way home. Well maybe now I'll have learned my lesson... Only time will tell.

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